My interests and studies have been principally in early music and early performance practice. This has included and extensive study of early fingering. For several years I worked in New Zealand with Sandra Soderland's Historical Approach to Organ Technique, a remarkable book for the beginning early fingering student with no teacher. After having worked with Dr Soderlund's book, I took several lessons from David Kinsela, a harpsichord lecturer at Sydney Conservatorium of Music and expert in early techniques. I then went to North Germany and studied with Professor Harald Vogel, an expert in early performance techniques, and especially North German Baroque organ repertoire.
My doctoral research at Université de Montréal was on Eighteenth Century organ building and on Eighteenth Century keyboard technique using Jacob Adlung's Anleitung zu der musikalischen Gelahrtheit (Erfurt: 1758) as an invaluable source guide. One of my projects is to publish a translation of this work.
While on tour in Australia and New Zealand in 1996 I lectured at Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Waikato University, Auckland Organists' Association, and the Wellington Organists" Association.
Lecture Subjects Offered:
Early Fingering
The Development of "Modern" Keyboard Technique by J.S.Bach
Eighteenth Century Organ Building
Jacob Adlung's Anleitung zu der musikalischen Gelahrtheit (Erfurt: 1758)
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Last updated September 21, 2006